The Portsmouth Herald from Portsmouth, New Hampshire (2024)

Deaths and Funerals Timothy D. Connors Pre-burial services for Timothy (Dan) Connors, 57, of Union who died Monday, were held at the Farrell Funeral Home Tuesday by the American Legion and the VFW. Members of Emerson Hovey VFW Post 168 were headed by Daniel Clow, commander, and Mrs. Vivian Muchmorc, president of the auxiliary. Members of Frank E.

Booma Post 6, American Legion, were headed Legi Oueflc by John Ouefictte, commander, and Mrs. Floyd Daley, auxiliary president. Mrs. Charles Foster Funeral services for Mrs. Dorothy Louise Foster, 54, of 20 Tanner St.

were held at Buckminster Chapel Wednesday. The Rev. Peter Miller, pastor of the Bethel Assembly of God, officiated. In attendance was a delegation from the Frank E. Booma Unit 6, American i 'Auxiliary, headed by Mrs.

Estelle Herington, chaplain, and Mrs. June Daley, past president. Burial was in the family lot in Brook's Memorial Cemetery, Eliot, with committal by the Rev. Mr. Miller.

Bearers were George Myers, Harry Smith Bruce Varney, Everett Muchmore, Piaisted and Harry Smith III. Miss Etta M. Norton NORTH A Funeral services for Miss Etta M. Norton, 78, formerly of North Hampton and for many years a resident of Bellows Falls, were conducted yesterday at the Ronald A. Remick Funeral Home, Hampton.

The Rev. Herbert J. Guth, pastor of the United Church of Christ, officiated. Charles Nichols was organist. Burial was in the family lot in Center Cemetery i committal prayers by the Rev.

Mr. Guth. Wilbur Sharpies Sr. NEWMARKET Funeral services for Wilbur (Rusty) Sharpies Sr, 74, of 215 South Main St, were held Tuesday from the Brisson-Kent Funeral Home, with the Rev. Everett Gassett, pastor of the Newmarket Community officiating.

Committal services were conducted at the graveside in the family lot in Riverside Cemetery, by the Rev. Mr. Gassett. Bearers were Michael and Philip Sharpies, John Murphy, Edward Finn and Mario Zocchi. Vision Inc.

To Plan For Exeter EXETER --Vision, a Cambridge, Mass, firm that has been working on a master for Portsmouth's down- How They Voted WASHINGTON (AP) -All Jl New Englilderi recorded voted with the Ity Wedtiriday the Senate overrode President Nixon's veto of the war bill. The vote 75-18. The love New Englander not recorded as voting Sen. Norris Cotton. plan town areaf has been invited to do a similar study of Exeter.

The Exeter Area Chamber of Commerce has asked "visual-improvement planners" to work with a Chamber ol committee studying ways of revitalizing the downtown area of Exeter. The committee, now in Phase III of their project, hope to find ways of improving existing sites in the downtown area, with the possible development of Exeter's waterfront into a series of shops and marinas. Vision, under the direction of its founder, Ronald Fleming, has been working in Portsmouth for the past year on suggestions for improving the appearance of buildings and shops. Fleming presented his ideas about Portsmouth to the Exeter of last month, and after reviewing the possibilities offered by other firms, the Exeter group decided to invite The flag that covered the casket was folded by Past Commanders Fred Beals, John Twardus and William Duffy and presented to Wilbur Sharpies Jr. by Beals.

Monday evening the Robert G. Durgin American Legion Post No. 67 held services with Al Marcoux commander a Joseph Rousseau, chaplain. Fred W. Sherburne WELLS Funeral services for Fred W.

Sherburne, 88, of Captain Thomas Road, were held yesterday at the Lucas and Eaton Funeral Home, York. The Rev. Donald Weymouth, of the Cape Neddick Baptist Church, officiated. Burial was in Ocean View Cemetery, Wells, with committal by the Rev. Mr.

Weymouth. Bearers were Daniel Shejen, Roger Anderson, Arnold Winn, Philip Hilton, Lester Stevens and Charles Moulton. Mrs. Joseph H. Smith KITTERY POINT Funeral services for Mrs.

Lulu Willand Smith, 79, of Peperrell Road, widow of Joseph were held yesterday at the First Congregational Church. The Rev. John Rawson, pastor of the church conducted the services. Mrs. Gail Adams was organist.

Burial was in the family lot in the First Congregational Cemetery, Kittery Point, with committal services by the Rev. Mr. Rawson. Bearers were Jay Smith, Edward Allen, Joseph Olson. Raymond Addams, Milton Hall and Clifford Jenkins.

Fleming's company to come to Exeter. Executive Director of the Exeter Area of is Mrs. Vlarcha Latwen. Canney Attends State Meeting City Manager Calvin A Canney was in Concord today, attending a meeting of the New Hampshire Municipal Association. He was expected back by tonight for a meeting of the City Council when the ballots in Tuesday's election will be certified and a work session will be held on appointments to various city boards.

Down Easters Cite Couple Fund Drive Underway For Waban The Waban Association for Retarded a Handicapped Children is in the middle of its annual fund di ive which runs until Nov. 10. Chairman for the Ogunquit, Cape Neddick, York Beach area is Mrs. David von Schlegell. Captains for Ogunquit are Mrs.

Alan Perkins and Mrs. George Dixon. Captains for a Neddick are Mrs. Robert Boston and Mrs. Donald Goodwin.

The captain for York Beach is Mrs. Frederick Hilton. The ioliowing volunteers are now out collecting door to door. If you don't know your collector look for the Waban Fund Drive button. Ogunquit: Mrs.

Dana Putnam, Mrs. Walter Frost, Mrs. Donald O'Quinn, Mrs. Newell Perkins, Mrs. Richard B.

Staples, Mrs. John Jacobs, Mrs. Martin, Miss Hope Perkins, Miss Jill Frost, Miles Freeman, Mrs. Pat Ducharme, Robert Listen, Mrs. Richmond Stevens, Mrs.

Wendy Brown anc Mrs. George Dixon. Cape Neddick: Mrs. Lawrence Winn, Miss Deborah Presnell, Mrs. Donald Moulton, Miss Jan Walker, Miss Dawn Peters, Miss Rosemary von Schlegell, Mrs.

Robert Boston, Miss Deborah Boston, Miss Sheila Boston. Mrs. Theodore Bracy, Mrs. Chester Sawtelle, Mrs. Eugene Prescott, Mrs.

Haven Freeman and Mrs. Alvin Brown. York Beach: Mrs. Matthews, Mrs. William Ruger, Mrs.

John Webster, Richard Wiggin, Mrs. Thomas Hodgin, Mrs. Malcolm Wood, Mrs. Roger Norton Miss Deborah Presnell and Mrs. Martha Thompson.

Fire Kills Pair Derry Home DERRY An elderly couple was killed early Thursday when a fire swept through their house at 3 Holms St. Francis Preston, 62, and his wife Dons, 59, were taken to A 1 exander-Eastman Hospital. KITTERY A Portsmouth couple was chosen as the best- costumed pair at a recent Down East Western Square Dance held at the Grange Hall Robert and Polly Knight were disguised as Siamese twin cats. The-square dance caller for the was Dave Wilson, and rounds were called by Ray Pettee. Kittery Police KITTERY Two persons suffered minor injuries in a two- car collision shortly after 5 p.m.

yesterday at the intersection of Rt. 103 and Gray Lodge Road. Lillian Peckham, 62, 648 Kearsarge Way, Portsmouth, driver of one of the cars, and Susan Place, 15, Eliot, a passenger in the other car, were treated at Portsmouth Hospital and released. The second driver was listed as James Murray, 26, 7 Spring Lane, Eliot. Damage was placed at $1,700.

In the morning, cars driven by Cornelius Moynahan, 67, 18 Pleasant St, Eliot, and James A. Sleeth, 32, Van Nuys, collided at the intersection of Rt. 1 and Walker Street. Damage was placed at $850. Marion Armsden, 50 Old Road, Eliot, reported her car was while parked at St.

At 6:28 p.m., the fire department responded to a gas stove fire at 9 Love Lane. Exeter Crash EXETER An Amesbury, man was examined and released Wednesday Exeter Hospital after a two-car crash on Portsmouth Avenue. Police say that cars driven by Joseph Pelletier, 60, of Amesbury, and Barry A Brewster, of 1 Haven Lane, Authorities said died at 8 a.m., Mrs. Preston and that her msband died at the scene. Two engines and an aerial adder were used in the blaze, which completely gutted the louse.

A Derry fir fighter, Roy lormandeau, was also taken to the hospital with a laceration on his hand. He was later No cause was given for the ire A paralyzed son was found on the front lawn when firemen arrived. Kelchner Elected By Students Keith E. Kelchner, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Earl Kelchner, 69 Slwyn recently a elected president of the Clipper the Junior Achievement of Portsmouth High School students sponsored by the Horley Co. Meeting with adult advisers one night a week, members gain actual business experience and responsibility by running their own company. County Sheriff NEWMARKET Rocking- lam County sheriffs arrested Newmarket man Thursday nd charged him with breaking ind entering, larceny, and ma- icious damage. Richard Edward Lancey, 19, Wadleigh Falls Road, was rooked at the county jail and released in his own recogni- ance. Lancey will appear in Epping District Court Nov.

17. The arrest was made in connection with an Oct. 1 break- of an Epping home: an Oct. 2 larcenv under at the Winds in Epping, and an Oct. 3 incident at Maluf's Store in Epping.

Fire Report Firemen responded to a fire ate vesterday at a house owned by Richard H. Beauregard at 9 Georges Terrace. The fire iad begun in the cellar, where was contained, but there was smoke damage to the other floors of the house. Firemen were later called wice to Islington Street; the time to wash down gas at the BP gas station, and the collided 'near Blakes Auto'second time to extinguish a Center. grass fire Four Courses Added to Adult Program Kenneth Webber, director of instruction while producing your tto locale a qualified instructor.

ViLcLKitudt fttift ik -i-. 1 11 Adult Education, said today the erening school program is offering four new courses, to begin the last week of November. These classes are open to all adults in the area, regardless of previous schooling. classes will be held Monday evenings from 7 to 9. The fee for each class is $12 This fee does not include textbooks or material pertinent to the course offering There must be 14 people enrolled for each course, and anv course which does not meet this requirement own creative dried apple and i We will make every clothespin dolls.

Yoga: A new approach to physical well-being, including relaxation and deep breathing, to work out stiffness, tension and tightness without strain and with the least amount of effort Of help to all ages of physical fitness. An introductory course to Theatre Performance hniques: A 10-week series of two- hour sessions weekly, in basic acting techniques, concentrating of attempt to provide for the Salzer Named to Committee George W., I il i Sticet, New Ca.stlc, IMS i been elected (o the committee ol lite ncuh cd Patents A-ssotuImn School of I ham. Founded in 1172. i li is a two-ycjr post Injih technical school, ed to train men and won to enter the field ol The Parents Association Children at Play Sandra Walker, Andrea Martinez and Sue Vique, display Center.

The center is operated by Sea Crest residents on some of their creative talents at the Sea Crest Community Wednesday afternoons and evenings for children in grades three through 12. (Staff Photo) Action Group Notes Results Of Members of the Portsmouth Action Association expressed heir pleasure last night with he overwhelming vote for the rlomeowners' Exemption and noted the results were consistent with the replies to a questionnaire which had been sent early the campaign to the candidates. In other actions at last night's neeting, the Association voted send the newly elected Council and School Board members a letter containing suggestions or meeting campaign promises of fiscal responsibility. It was also voted to prepare and distribute a synopsis of the ecommendations included in he Portsmouth Community Im- Hwement Program Joorways to the Future, and 'thus inform the public of the bureaucratic and fiscal implications of the program." Students to take Over School System Students will be "in charge' of the educational system next Wednesday at Portsmouth High School. That is Student Government Day in the United States and the high school will conduct its Senior Day.

Seniors will assume the roles of all custodians, teachers, administrators, superintendents secretaries and School Boarc members. If a student wishes to replace any of these people, he or she must make the request directly to the person he wishes to replace. In the case of teachers, the student must meet with the teacher a day or two prior to the day to discuss lesson plans and what will be taught to each class. Any paperwork involved, such as testing, must be completed by the student. The student will stay with the teacher throughout the day The teacher should be as incon- Institutional Purchases Prove Good NEW YORK (AP) Stock market prices moved sharply ligher today, given a big shove heavy institutional buying, some brokers said.

The brokers said that the institutions, which dominate the market, appeared convinced hat President Nixon's Wednesday night speech had removed some of the negative factors rom the market. The Dow Jones average of 30 ndustrials at 10:30 a.m. was up sharply at 1648 at 936.56 and gaming. It closed up 7 points Vednesday after seven pre- sessions of heavy losses. Advancing Big Board issues STOCK MARKET Trading was active on (he New York Slock Exchange in the first two hoars with a volume of S.Zf million shares.

The Dow Jones Industrial average was Fahncstock Market Square, listed the following stocks: iamada Inn Joeing Co Brith Pet Westngh El lous Fin 'ittston 'fizer Cennecolt airchld Cam Bausch Lorn 10 Most 8' 19 1 15'4 31 30S, 45 ST-s 67S 45'4 Vm Mot IBM 13 Top Stacks i i I 1 unc. 2 1 2V 2 or Market iad a 4-to-l lead, over losers in leavy block traiing, indicating big institutional activity, brokers said. "The question is whether this rally can sustain itself," said jouis Abt of Granger Co "It's obvious this action is an institutional push. The individual is not in there, and very ew individuals are capable of this kind of big-block action The brokers said that some investors appeared to feel that President Nixon's statement saying he would not resign had aken away uncertainties that tad been depressing the market. They also said that his plans conserve energy had taken rom the market much downward pressure caused by the oil crisis.

Oil issues. Abt noted, were strongly higher. Ramada Inns up 't at was the Big Board volume eader, followed by Boeing, down Vt at 19; Household Finance, down Ys at 32Vt', and Middle South Utilities, up Vt at 19. Among the oils, Gulf up at 23's: Atlantic Richfield. up 3'4 at lOS'i: Exxon, up at 3 Dutch, up 1 3 4 at 39'j; Standard Oil of California.

up 1'4 at 68 3 and Texaco ip 3 i at 32. Chemicals, which had been very depressed because of the ndiislry's reliance on petro- eum products, also were strongly higher today. 4S 7 62', 284 line. Monsanto was up 3H at 63'4: Union Carbide, up 7 i at 39'4; i American Cyanamid. up at and Du Pont, up 3ut 181 the evening' school proeram where courses are non-credit.

Courses to be offered- Physical Activilv, Men: A positive program of exercise to reactivate your body and restore Muscfe tone through a pro- Maximum emphasis will be placed on student participation, followed by both tcacher-and- studfnl evaluation. This course will be taught by Norman M. Lcgcr, the 1972-73 executive producer of Thcatre- grammcd sequence of lifting weights. Arts and Crafts: Develop'! sound, basic craft techniques (are interested in some specific through i i i a i "area, we will make every effort by-the-Sea. Other courses will be offered whenever possiMc.

If 14 people aauii wno nas an interest for some specific course being offered. A course not offered during regular school hours or a course where the regular daytime student is blocked out, is sufficient reason for registration by the young adult. Registration will be held at the Adult Education Office, Room aw. Nov. 12 and Nov.

19, from 7:30 to 9 m. jvatomas i Pug SI1, 26' 4 'i Con Foods Revn Ind Pub N.H. 19 Xerox 1 U.S. Steel 35' 4 85-s Int Pap 49'? -S Gen Elec 66'j 3'4 Ocodcnta! Pet Polaroid 80'? 3 CLOSE OUT 356 PAIR OF JEANS 5 95 Eoch Values 00 IITT11T Tlllllft POST 9-9 DAILY 11 A.M.-6 P.M. SUN.

On the American Slock Exchange, Kinney Corp. was down 'i at (Sewing Machine Mfiirj rn The SMOMft Am REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY 1 Jtrry tin tffltOl 1 1 KilMry. Mt. EHM, Mr 1 1 omy mum 1 CHRISTMAS FAIR Methodist Church Portimouth, N.H. Saturday.

Nov. 10 10 a.m. 4 p.m. Coffee Shop, Luncheon spicuous as possible, somewhere in the back of the room and only interfere in an emergency. The best rule of thumb for the day, says Principal Timothy Monahan, is "If you see your student making an error, do not correct him unless you know it will lead to a problem of major proportions This day isn't meant for the student to learn about someone's job, it is a day for a student to do that job as best he can.

There will be a School Board meeting, probably the evening before, where the student School Board will be discussing real problems. Student Duncan Sweet will "play" Supt. James J. Cusick, Ronnie Seaver will be Assistant Supt. John Ball, Tracy Daniels Asst.

Supt. David Hamilton, and Randy McNally will be Business Manager Joseph Bove. Board of Education members from the high school will include Pat D'Antonio, chairman; Herbert DeGraffe, Paul Harvey, Jeff May, Richard Merrill. Gigi O'Connell, Philbrook, Nancy Richards, Debbie Stokes, Terry Sullivan, Paula Rousseau and Stephen Tice Police Report A television set was stolen from 350 Circuit Road yesterday, police said. Mrs.

Nancy E. Rossa discovered the theft when she returned home yesterday, but a i nothing else-had been disturbed. Police said entry was through a side window. A battery from a car owned by Chester Bickford, Dover, was stolen last night while the vehicle was parked at the Sprague Oil Co. parking lot on I Gosling Road.

Hospital Patient Paul Amazeen, of 67 Gate is a patient at the Veterans iospital in Manchester Rotary Book Sale The Portsmouth Rotary Club book sale last Saturday was such a success, with so many good books contributed, it has been extended. The sale of books, including novels, nonfiction and what have you. will comtinue tomorrow from 12:30 to 8 p.m. The books hare been donated by local residents. The sale is for the benefit of Rotary's many charities, and to date about $700 has been raised.

The sale is being held at the former Campbell's Shoe Store on Congress Street. Portsmouth Hcrnlfl I Thur; Nov $, i i i i i crc.itod to support long-ungc develop- mi 'it am Accident Report (.11 owned by Brenda" Stan' 1'iofilc AVC was struck In unknown vehicle yester- police icportcd, while it ii p.iikcd the National i i i i Armory lot on Circuit WOOD CHIPS FOR MULCH AROUND SHRUBS, TREES, AND BANKINGS. $4.00 per yd. (3 yds. or ovtr) ABBOTT TREE'SERVICE Excavating fr Landscaping York.

Me. 363-3762 CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my thanks and appreciation (p Dr Paul Taylor, the nurses, dietitians and all members of the staff at Portsmouth Hospital for the wonderful care I received while patient there. I would also like to thank friends and neighbors for cards, gifts, flowers and calls received. Ada E. Fcrnald adv.

684 State Portsmouth TEL, 436-5418 1974 COLOR T.V.'s 5" to 25" Large Selection In The Area RCA--MACNAVOX--ZEN ITH--SON TONY'S RADIO SHOP 833 Islington "Radio 6 TV A Specialty. Not A Sideline" Locjicd it the TOKKC Lyne Motor Route I. Rye. N.H. Tel.

964-6900 HECTOR'S Presenting This Week-end -FRIDAY ServeT4 to 9 p.m. SHRIMP PROVENCALE Complete Dinner SATURDAY--Served 4 to 10 p.m. HALF LONG ISLAND DUCKLING Complete Dinner 495 525 In The Crystal Room Lounge DRIFT" D.nmq Htnvrj Sunday Thurs 11 30 A 'ill ID Cfesttf Ttietdav DISCOVER GOOD FOOD ALL YOU CAN EAT! SPAGHETTI WITH MEAT SAUCF Served 11:30 a m. to 4 Monday thru Sat. SPECIAL LUNCHEON DINNER Wed.


Sat. 'til 9 CLOSED TUESDAY 742-5414 co*ckTAIL LOUNGE CLOSED THANKSGIVING DAY "The Seacoast's Most Popular Family Restaurant" YOKENS "Thar She Blows" This Week's Luncheon Specials Dally 11 A.M. to 4 P.M., Tues. Thru Sat. SWEET SOUR PORK served on Tropical Rice I a delicious Sauce.

I PORK CUTLET a la PARMACIANA. SHRIMP CREOLE Native Shrimp sautered with Tomatoes, Celery, Peppers and Onions, served en Casserole with Potato and Cole Slaw. 1.75 1.75 Luncheon Specials include a cup of Soup de Jour, B0veragt, Rolls and Butter DINNER SPECIALS 4 P.M. to 8 P.M., Tues. Thru Sit.

BROILED LARGE SIRLOIN STEAK U5DA Choice Bonless Sirloin Bruiled to your order. Serrtd with Salad or Vegetable and Potato. SHRIMP TEMPURA Fitur large Gulf Shrimp fried in Tempura Served with Tropical Rice or Potato and Cole Slaw. 295 Dinner Specials include Soup de Jour, Bevengt, Rolls and Butter. JOIN THE TREASURE HUNT AT YOKEN'S! Affer you dine, your waitress will give of you a key tfitf may open our TREASURE CHEST thaf contains up to 550.

in gifts of your choice from TOKEN'S GIFT SHOP, (ne pMrjNmi necessary I. U.S. Rt. Portsmouth Restaurant Liquor Licenw THIS IS JUST A PARTIAL 73 BUICK RIVIERA Grtcn, whitt custom lop, whits buc. kets, toadtdr power, other extras Sticker WAS S7EOS 05 NOW 56252.65 73 PONTIAC LE MANS group, 2 dr.

top. yellow, custom lop, saddle interior, avto PS PB radio WAV, air sport option, decor group, Sticker PRICE $4337 NOW $3558.44 73 PONTIAC LE MANS 4 dr. blue, black inlerrtr, VJ, MrH, PS, PB radio, lintw KM, air cond. decor group Slickf WAS J4J42 NOW $3449.90: 73 PONTIAC VENTURA If- Coupe. aqua.

Mack inttrxr, T4, auto, radio, whttt emrt, vAr, decor group, Sticker PRICE U7U NOW $2754.54 1973 BUICK 4 or. hardtop, cream, saoflt en- lom lop, PS, PB, wftt, wheel covers, r4B. Slicker WAS $474i NOW $3707.35 DEMO SALE FANTASTIC SAVINGS ON ALL 1973 DEMONSTRftT TORS--DRIVER EDUCATION AND EXECUTIVE CARS 73 BUICK 4 ST mt AUTO PS PS i Cfmd tinted led tovtn SlitktT A i- NOW S3730 90 73 BUICK EST. WAr Yf'lpw SXM'f i NOW S5796 26 73 BUICK CENTURY Hjtm'c unit PS PS, pni ikT WAS NOW $3538.61 PLUS, MANY-. MANY MOREH EXETER N.H.

Eppinc Road i ft I Dajry Utter. N.H. Oftn MERCEDES BENZ.

The Portsmouth Herald from Portsmouth, New Hampshire (2024)


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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.